Finally in my hands printed my first photographic project which was made when I lived in San José, Costa Rica around 2016.

At that time I was 21 years old and I was just starting my photography career in that country. I remember being inordinately obsessed with post-war Japanese masters, some like Moriyama and Nakahira, and the “Provoke” magazine phenomenon. It may be that this piece takes some of that as reference, or it may not.

The images in the book are material obtained after a series of random dives and drifts over 2 years through the streets of downtown San José, portraying with impact the street rawness experienced at the time, along with all those people with passionate lives - its passers-by.

I owe the title to a verse by the Costa Rican poet and writer Virginia Grütter, which I borrowed from the poem entitled “Punishment I”, the fragment reads:

«Girando en el parque negro.

Todos son muros.

Muro el piso de tierra.

Muros los Muros


los Muros